Posted before I reached the end of the thread and realized LostGeneration said the same thing. Hat tip to you!
~Question With Boldness~
JoinedPosts by ~Question With Boldness~
Born ins..Were You Forced to Be a JW Growing Up?
by LostGeneration inmyth: parents who are jehovahs witnesses.
force their children to follow their faith.. fact:witness parents strive to inculcate love.
for god in their offspring, just as the bible.
Born ins..Were You Forced to Be a JW Growing Up?
by LostGeneration inmyth: parents who are jehovahs witnesses.
force their children to follow their faith.. fact:witness parents strive to inculcate love.
for god in their offspring, just as the bible.
~Question With Boldness~
As another thought, do you notice how they maneuvered around this? They present it in a myth and fact but it deal with two separate ideas.
The "myth" is that JW parents force their children to take part in the religion. Then the supposed refutation says
they realize that when a child becomes
an adult, he or she will make a personal
choice with regard to worship.When a child BECOMES AN ADULT.
So really, they didn't refute the myth at all just danced around it by saying "when the child is an adult he can decide" when that was not the question in the first place.
Born ins..Were You Forced to Be a JW Growing Up?
by LostGeneration inmyth: parents who are jehovahs witnesses.
force their children to follow their faith.. fact:witness parents strive to inculcate love.
for god in their offspring, just as the bible.
~Question With Boldness~
I wasn't exactly born in, but both my sisters were. My parents converted when I was about three. I guess it all depends on how the word forced is being viewed. I certainly didn't get a choice on whether or not to attend the meetings, or take part in the family book studies, or decide for myself whether I believed any of it. I lost interest and argued with them that I didn't want to go to the meetings, no I would not speak with the Elders, and no I would not have a bible study with another sister. Eventually they stopped trying to drag me to the car...Then when I finally left for good, they reacted like it was a completely spontaneous outcome... Go figure.
JW's and Chronic Fatigue Syndrone!
by cornish inchronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
~Question With Boldness~
Physical, mental, emotional disorders/problems in general seems to be an issue among Jehovah's Witnesses.
My mother had a lot of mental/emotional issues. Clinical depression, anxiety, bipolar...I knew several sisters with Chronic Fatigue... anger management, you name it.
So much for happiest people on earth.
Christmas traditions
by tec ini thought it would be nice to start a thread with some of your favorite christmas traditions... especially for those who are just beginning to celebrate christmas.
we open a gift on christmas eve.
when i was a kid, it was always a new pair of pajamas.
~Question With Boldness~
I've only been celebrating Christmas for about 3 years so EVERYTHING is kind of a "favorite tradition" lol. I've taken to baking cookies, desserts and making my own candies, decorated pretzyls to give to people as gifts. Its fun for me, and they enjoy the treats! Every year my husband and I host a Christmas eve dinner and invite all the single or unaccompanied soldiers we can and I make a breakfast pie every Christmas morning. There's also alot of charities that come up I like to do, the Marine's toys for tots, a food and toy drive for the local orphanage, stuffing stockings for the soldiers who are alone on post... Then every year, my husband and I take a walk at night around post and enjoy the quiet, the snow (if we're lucky) and the beautiful Christmas lights!
Memorial for Disfellowshipped or Inactive members of WTB&TS
by trillaz ini've never heard of someone who was disfellowshipped having a memorial announced for a kh.
i can't recall inactive either.
what are other's experiences?
~Question With Boldness~
Ok, I found this quoted;
Watchtower 1977 June 1 p. 347 Mourning and Funerals-For Whom? "In "Questions from Readers" (The Watchtower, 1961, p. 544) the position was taken that a funeral for a disfellowshiped person was improper. The comment was made: "We never want to give the impression to outsiders that a disfellowshiped person was acceptable in the congregation when in truth and in fact he was not acceptable but had been disfellowshiped from it." ? A Christian congregation would not want its good name besmirched by having it associated with any to whom 2 John 9, 10 applied, even in their death."
It is from 1977 so I don't know if this has changed...
Memorial for Disfellowshipped or Inactive members of WTB&TS
by trillaz ini've never heard of someone who was disfellowshipped having a memorial announced for a kh.
i can't recall inactive either.
what are other's experiences?
~Question With Boldness~
I seem to remember a Watchtower article on the subject, something to the effect of "funeral services for the disfellowshipped" would not be advisable because it would be giving the impression that their "wrong behavior" was acceptable... I'll see if I can find the article and then post it...
Apocalypse-porn now available at!
by serenitynow! inoy.
the february 15, 2012 wt is out.
it has a huge mushroom cloud of fire on the cover.
~Question With Boldness~
When I was 8, I used to get nightmares from these pictures. I mean really? My JW mother wouldn't let me and my sisters watch some DISNEY CARTOONS because they were "too violent" but yet we could go to KH and sit there and look at pictures of fire and destruction and piles of dead bodies while being told "this is whats going to happen to people who don't join the Witnesses" which translated into all my aunts, uncles, grandparents, my teachers, neighbors... "Apocalypse porn" is frighteningly accurate. Its like they really get off on this stuff... All smiles "isn't it wonderful that the end is so near" Give me a break...
As another thought, I'm reading this "views of what Armageddon is and what the bible REALLY teaches" section and I'm confused. Their examples are "Journalists and Researchers often use the word Armageddon to define catastrophes caused by humans" and "as a label for major natural disasters" and then they "refute" them with the bible... do they really think these are meant as literal? These are COMPARISONS, DESCRIPTIONS I can believe they are treating them as actual ideas on what the biblical Armageddon is...
But, as always, their typical photos of JWs walking away from the destruction miss the middle part where they have to clean up all the dead bodies. Wonder why they never show THAT part. (sarcasm)
U.S. Army Policy Letter Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses And Blood
by Bangalore in.
u.s. army policy letter regarding jehovah's witnesses and blood.. .
~Question With Boldness~
Army Wife here,
How in the world did you ever get hold of an Army Memorandum? lol
And the biggest question, what is a "dedicated witness of Jehovah" doing in the military in the first place?
"Personal Experiences" in Watchtower publications and Talks
by ~Question With Boldness~ ini've been reading posts on this forum for about a year now, but i never made an account or posted.
decided to jump in today!.
i was reading some posts here on crazy illustrations that jehovah's witnesses use (dented bread anyone?
~Question With Boldness~
Hello everyone. I've been reading posts on this forum for about a year now, but I never made an account or posted. Decided to jump in today!
So, anyway. I was reading some posts here on crazy illustrations that Jehovah's Witnesses use (dented bread anyone?) and it got me thinking of the other over the top, exaggerated things we read in the magazines and listened to in the talks. Those "consider this real experience' and its something like "my life was meaningless and empty and I was a horrible person until I came in contact with Jehovah's Witnesses" Or "I had brain cancer but I still went out an accomplished my ministry!"
I just read one recently, maybe the 'Bible Teach' book, where a woman tore a hole in the wall of a grass hut so she could watch the Kingdom Hall meetings and was so "impressed and thrilled" with how the brothers and sisters so warmly greeted each other that she wanted to become a member.
Or in one of their natural disaster articles, something to the effect of "One woman had a sticker on her door 'Jehovah's Witnesses do not call' But when she saw how lovingly the brothers and sisters aided those in need she took it down saying, "I have really misjudged you people"
Got more examples? And what's your take on them? Genuine experiences, complete fabrication designed to manufacture interest, or maybe both?
~Question With Boldness and Speak Without Fear